Introducing Gannet 3.1! This new version includes a number of updates and bug fixes. Notable additions include a new frequency-and-phase correction algorithm (robust spectral registration) and functionality for EtOH/GABA/GSH HERMES data.
Gannet 3.1 is available for immediate download at the following link:
Release notes:
Adopted semantic versioning (see
Aesthetic changes to PDF outputs throughout
Add functionality for processing and fitting of EtOH/GABA/GSH HERMES data
Introduced Robust_Spectral_Registration.m: robust correction of frequency/phase errors (recommended and default for all acquisition types)
If using Robust_Spectral_Registration.m, sub-spectra are averaged using weighted averaging; outlier removal is not applied in this case
nlinfit will no longer throw an error if peak model fitting is poor
GannetQuantify.m corrects metabolite measurements for partial tissue volume effects using the Gasparovic et al., 2006 (MRM) method; the Harris et al., 2015 (JMRI) method (alpha correction) is still also applied
Averaged HERMES sub-spectra are saved in MRS_struct.spec
HSVD water removal can be applied to all MEGA-PRESS and HERMES data (on by default)
Improved optimization parameters for frequency/phase alignment and peak model fitting
Turned off ignorable warnings that sometimes occur during peak model fitting in GannetFit.m
Fixed bugs in GannetMask_GE.m
Tissue fractions saved in MRS_struct.out renamed to fGM, fWM and fCSF
Text font in PDF outputs changed to Arial for cross-OS compatibility
More appropriate SNR thresholding in Spectral_Registration.m/Spectral_Registration_HERMES.m/Robust_Spectral_Registration.m