The two most widely edited metabolites are GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter, and Glutathione (GSH), the most abundant redox compound in the brain. They give edited signals at 3 ppm and 2.95 ppm respectively, making them ideal candidates for simultaneous HERMES editing.
Building on Kim Chan's work, Muhammad Saleh has implemented a HERMES experiment that simultaneously and separably edits GABA and GSH. HERMES uses a Hadamard editing scheme to encode the ON/OFF of J-difference orthogonally for GABA (at 1.9 ppm) and GSH (at 4.56 ppm). The inversion profiles of the four Experiments A-D look like:
Applying these pulses, evolution of couplings in the GABA molecule is refocused in the GABA-ON scans, and evolution of couplings in the GSH molecule is refocused in the GSH-ON scans, so that the combination A-B+C-D will give the GSH-edited spectrum, and A+B-C+D will give the GABA-edited spectrum.
In vivo, this allows single experiment to acquire data equivalent to two consecutive MEGA-PRESS acquisitions.